Each candidate was sent the following message. Their responses are below.
As a cofounder of Parents for Informed Choice SWFL, we have a number of supporters who are still on the fence on who to vote for. Their biggest concern are the issues surrounding medical freedom. In order to provide supporters with accurate information we were wondering if you could provide your stance on the following questions below.
Do you support mandating a mask in public places? If So Why?
Do you support local government being able to shut down a business like we witnessed with the COVID pandemic?
Thank you for your participation!
Parents of Informed Choice SWFL is neither supporting or endorsing these candidates. Each candidate that was listed as active at the time of correspondence was contacted with the same message.
Not all candidates have responded.
We will continue to follow up and post the responses as they are received.
Rick Locastro District 1
1. Do you support mandating a mask in public places? If So Why?
Vote discussion has been for "mandatory masks" across-the-board and I would've voted NO yesterday.
As a healthcare professional myself, I'd like to see masks in places of food service, places of customer service… on the employees. The same way we have signs making it mandatory for them to wash their hands before they leave the bathroom. It's good practice for employers to have for their employees in places of business… especially when hygiene & safety is involved with food, healthcare, etc.…
But "mandatory" masks across-the-board for EVERY citizen who leaves their houses is something I would not have supported yesterday. Social distancing is an accepted practice… and if someone feels vulnerable, they can always wear a mask. But passing a directive making it mandatory for everyone to wear a mask if you want to leave your house is not something I would support. People who are worried about social distancing should actually be more concerned about the crowded cereal aisle in any supermarket than they should be about a 5 mile stretch of outside beach.
2. Do you support local government being able to shut down a business like we witnessed with the COVID pandemic?
Our government has a responsibility for public safety and this pandemic initially had many unknowns. But, I'm NOT supportive of mass business shutdowns. Precautions can (and where) taken and we saw many restaurants, businesses, etc… focused on deliver, takeout, etc… but I believe once we had more details, data, etc… business could have more easily and quickly been brought back on-line. Our Governor did that in phases, but I think we were slow to respond and could have more easily and quickly supported health & protection (and ensure it was enforced) without shutting down our economy.
I look forward to bringing my 24-year Air Force officer leadership, as well as my deep and diverse business, healthcare, and local community experience to the position. Being a County Commissioner is a huge responsibility making major decisions that affect us all for years to come. Experience & Qualifications matter… especially with our County's $2 Billion budget… and we've got a lot to do in Collier and much we can and must improve!
See my attached campaign card & biography for your info. I appreciate you forwarding it to any others who are interested… the August 18th Republican Primary will be here before we know it. THANK YOU… I will not let you down!
To learn more: https://www.ricklocastro.com/
Bill Mcdaniel - District 5
I am not, and have not been in support of a mandate for wearing masks, it is far more important to me that we educate our population.
As far as closing businesses, while it was going on back in March and April, we were faced with a difficult choice and predictive models that were egregiously in error. I have said from the beginning of this pandemic that we should have as a society protected our most vulnerable population. The virus is real, and people need to take the necessary precautions that fit their health care needs, and that businesses should do as they see fit to attract patrons, and not have the government pick and choose winners and losers.
not, and have not been in support of a mandate for wearing masks, it is far more important to me that we educate our population.
As far as closing businesses, while it was going on back in March and April, we were faced with a difficult choice and predictive models that were egregiously in error. I have said from the beginning of this pandemic that we should have as a society protected our most vulnerable population. The virus is real, and people need to take the necessary precautions that fit their health care needs, and that businesses should do as they see fit to attract patrons, and not have the government pick and choose winners and losers.
To learn more: https://www.facebook.com/VoteBillMcDaniel/